Meeting & Study Room Policy and Terms of Use

1. Policy

Date Issued: 06/20/2001
Date Revised: 07/21/2021

The Mary Riley Styles Public Library supports and endorses the American Library Association Bill of Rights (Article VI) which states:

“Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”

Library meeting and group study rooms may be reserved free of charge by non-profit organizations and individuals for educational, cultural, and informational community meetings and programs in accordance with the library’s:

  • Meeting and Group Study Room Terms and Conditions of Use (see “2. Meeting and Group Study Room Terms of Use” below), and
  • Library Behavior Guidelines (see “3. Behavior Guidelines” below) .

Meeting and group study rooms may not be used for commercial purposes and no admission may be charged. No programs involving sales may be conducted unless directly sponsored by the Mary Riley Styles Public Library, the Library Board of Trustees, the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Foundation, or with permission from the Library Director.

The scheduling and use of a library meeting or group study rooms by an organization or individual does not constitute an endorsement by the library of that organization or individual or its activities, policies, or beliefs.

The Library Director shall be the final authority in granting or refusing permission for the use of meeting or group study rooms.

2. Meeting and Group Study Room Terms and Conditions of Use

Date Issued: 07/21/2021
Date Revised: 09/15/2023, 03/01/2023, 12/10/2024

Meeting and Group Study Room Access

The library has two meeting rooms and two group study rooms available for free public use.

  • 1 Large Meeting Room with a capacity of 50 people.
  • 1 Medium Meeting Room with a capacity of 40 people.
  • 2 Group Study Rooms each with a capacity of 8 people. 

The order of priority of use of library meeting and group study rooms is:

  1. Library-sponsored activities and functions.
  2. City of Falls Church government meetings and activities.
  3. Non-profit organizations and individuals.

Library meeting and group study rooms may only be reserved by non-profit organizations and individuals during normal library hours of operation and are not available for use at any time the library is not open to the public.

Library personnel shall have access to meeting and group study rooms at all times.

Application & Reservation Confirmation Process

Applications for meeting and group study rooms should be submitted through the library’s online room reservation site ( However, staff will provide assistance by phone or in-person at library service desks for anyone unable to access the library website.

Meeting rooms are for groups of 2 or more people up to room capacity. Reservations may be made up to 60 days in advance, with no more than 1 reservation per week and a limit of 4 hours per reservation. Meeting room reservation requests are pending (and not formally booked) until the request is reviewed and approved by a library staff member and a confirmation email is sent to the requester (usually within 48 hours of application).

Group study rooms are for 1 or more people up to room capacity. Reservations may be made up to one week in advance, with no more than 2 active reservations per week and a limit of 2 hour per reservation.  If a study room is available, a confirmation email should be automatically generated shortly after submitting a request.

No organization or individual may assign or transfer a meeting or group study room reservation to another organization or individual.

Room Setup & General Use

The library does not have personnel to assist with non-library sponsored meetings or programs, and cannot provide personnel to help set up meeting or group study rooms.

Food and beverages served in library meeting or group study rooms must be limited to non-alcoholic beverages and light, snack-type refreshments. Food should not be prepared in the library; and the organization or individual holding the program is responsible for any food and beverage related issues, including clean-up and food allergies, among program participants.

Meeting room users under 18 years old must provide a minimum of one adult supervisor for every 12 minors.

Organizations and individuals using library meeting or study rooms are solely responsible for the safe keeping of any personal property used while in the library.

Meeting and group study rooms must be left in the condition in which they were found. The person signing the application will be responsible to the library for use of the facility, and the organization or individual reserving the meeting or study room is responsible for any and all damage to the room. The library cannot provide garbage bags, cleaning supplies, or personnel to assist with cleaning up meeting rooms.

AV Equipment & Internet Access

Wireless internet access is available throughout the library but cannot be guaranteed. 

General AV equipment available in any given room is provided in the room description when a reservation is placed. Library staff have limited ability to provide technical assistance for this limited equipment and cannot be relied upon for that service.

Library computer equipment is not available for use in meeting or study rooms. Organization or individuals who require such equipment must supply their own.

Prohibited Uses and Activities

  • Sales, promotion, or advertising of any product.
  • Gambling.
  • Meetings that would interfere with or disrupt the functions of the Library and its patrons due to noise or other factors.
  • Social functions, such as but not limited to, birthday parties, showers, or weddings.
  • Use of hazardous materials such as chemicals or open flame.


Organizations or individuals using library meeting or group study rooms may not list the name, address, and phone number of the library as an official address or publicize its activities in such a way as to imply library sponsorship.

Publicity for programs held in library meeting or study rooms is the responsibility of the organization or individual reserving the room. Library staff will not give out information about the event, either by telephone or in person, or promote it on the library’s website, social media, newsletters, etc.

Individuals or organizations using library meeting or group study rooms may not post signs or announcements in the library except as permitted, with staff approval, on the community bulletin board.


Unclaimed meeting room reservations are held for a maximum of 30 minutes, after which the room will be released for others to use. Unclaimed group study room reservations are held for a maximum of 15 minutes, after which the room will be released for others to use.

Organizations and individuals needing to cancel a meeting or group study room reservation should do so as early as possible – preferably 24 hours or more in advance.

The library reserves the right to revoke permission to use a meeting or group study room if the room is needed for library purposes. If possible, at least 24 hours’ notice is given to an organization or individual if their reservation must be canceled.

In the event of inclement weather, the reservation holder should call or check the library website to see if the library will be open. If the library building needs to close for emergency reasons, then all meeting and group study room reservations are canceled.


Waiver of any requirements or prohibitions contained in these Meeting and Study Room Terms and Conditions of Use may be requested by written application directed to the Library Director. 

The library reserves the right to rescind the privilege of meeting or group study room use by an organization or individual found to have abused the policy and terms of use.

3. Library Behavior Guidelines

Date Issued: 06/15/1994
Date Revised: 08/15/2001, 12/15/2004, 05/19/2021


The Mary Riley Styles Public Library welcomes everyone and encourages courteous, equitable, and respectful access to the library and its resources. 

Expectations of Behavior  

  • All patrons and staff have the right to a comfortable and non-disruptive environment; patrons and staff should behave in a way that fosters that environment.
  • Any materials removed from the library must be checked out on a valid library card or through other standard library procedures. 
  • The library is not responsible for personal belongings left in any library materials or on library property. 
  • Patrons and staff shall wear appropriate attire and maintain hygiene.  Where issues of attire and hygiene are disruptive to the library environment staff may request the situation be remedied.
  • When there is a declared public health emergency patrons and staff shall comply with public health guidance from local, federal, and/or state agencies that relates to public spaces or library use.


  • Parents, guardians, or caregivers are responsible for the safety and behavior of children on library property.   
  • For more information, please see the “YS-2 Unattended Children Policy”. 

Technology & Copyright Infringement 

  • Patrons and staff should be mindful of volume level while on calls and audio devices. 
  • Patrons and staff must abide by the City’s “Public Wi-Fi User Disclaimer and User Agreement” and “ADM-10 Internet, WiFi, and Computer Use” when using library computers or wifi.  
  • Patrons and staff shall not use library materials in any manner that violates copyright or other laws.

The following behaviors and items are prohibited:  

  • Uncovered beverages;
  • Bathing or washing clothes in the restrooms;
    • Animals or pets, service animals or animals part of library programs are excepted;
  • Solicitation of any kind; 
  • Abusive language or harassment of patrons or library staff;
  • Smoking, vaping, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs on library property; 
  • Firearms, knives and other weapons are strictly prohibited on library property. See for example Falls Church City Code Sec. 2-211;
  • Use of library computers/internet access in violation of Virginia Law,(18.2-374.1:1 [child pornography], and 18.2-372 through 18.2-374 [obscene materials]);
  • Destruction of library property.  


Library staff may restrict access to the library for a period of time if the behavior guidelines and policies are not observed.  Persons whose behavior is disruptive or dangerous may be placed on “Trespass after Warning” (also known as banning) notification with the police. Patrons engaging in criminal activity as defined in the Code of Virginia will be reported immediately to law enforcement authorities and are subject to being banned. 

Last Updated Date
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