Yoga for Readers

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Age Group:

Adults (Ages 18+)
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This event is part of a combined series. If you register for this event, you will be automatically registered for all of the following events in the series.
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Allowed Ages: 18 and up

Program Description

Event Details

You know reading is good for you—it improves your brain, your mind, your mood, but the position we hold during long periods of reading can take its toll over time. After all, they say “sitting is the new smoking.” In this workshop, we’ll look at the different ways we can alter our posture and reading positions along with simple and effective techniques to counteract the effects of a long sit. This workshop is good for desk jockeys, too! Movement is part of this workshop, but no special equipment is needed. Everything will be done either standing on seated in a chair.

Program will be led by Cindy Wargo